
A historical overview of Kurdish people in Syria
Historians likely that the date of the presence in Syria linked together Orders "Empire Media", which included the island, has this presence extends to the pre Covenant. They thus have historical ties to this land, and that people enjoy all features and characteristics of nationalism, and calms the historical land, and not the land of others, and live in areas of the current whereabouts since ancient times, before and after Almitanih Kurdish state and its capital, which was confidential Eddie (Cape eye).
Kurds living in the cities are President Al-Hasakah province located in north-eastern Syria, the Iraqi-Syrian border Turkey. In addition to that they live in: efrin.net and surrounding villages, Gcobani-appointed Arabs, in the province of tenderness, and their presence significantly in the cities President k: Damascus where it is estimated about 300 thousand Kurds ", except from Taribam been fully deployed to revive : Valley projects, and corner religion, and Mezze Mount, in addition to some other suburbs. " In Aleppo, "the presence of them in intensive Sheikh intentional, and Concord.
The census Kurds and Kurdish as more studies 15% of the population or approximately three million and is the second nationalism in the country.
After the Sykes-Picot and French entry to Syria Kurds in Syria remained under French mandate as part of the country Republic, and since then has contributed Kurds in the resistance against colonial alongside the Arab people, and participated in the national revolution, the history of national struggle testifies to the nationals together sacrifice and sacrifice, and rich country Bamvacher heroes, such as Ibrahim Hanano, Ahmed Albaravi.
Also participated together in building a modern Syria after independence and engaged in official institutions and departments, the army and parliament and the ministry, and all walks of national democratic struggle, and for nearly half a century witnessed the country stages tides and weak political and social stability.
In spite of the positive changes and gains made by the mosaic together in the building of the Syrian position that the only Chauvinist towards the Kurdish people remained as is prevalent not changed to this day, although punish governments. One feature of the political position towards racial situation Kurdish repressive practices and persecution of the Kurdish people, and the prosecution and pushing his national leaders and militants in prisons.

Kurdish language and culture
Together Syrians speak the Kurdish language and precisely worded Alkermanjieh, and there are no impediments to the language in fixing, but the Kurds living in Damascus since the old as well as the Kurds, Latakia and Huran sludge speak Arabic and forgot to new generations the Kurdish language, including that the state prevent the Kurdish language learning and formal education to prevent the Kurds learning the Kurdish language is within their families, and believes the Syrians together romanization more suited to the Kurdish language in violation of the Kurds in Iraq and Iran.
There narrowed to exercise together for language and culture, where circulation is still banned Kurdish language especially in the area of writing and publishing and even the normal circulation (talk) in official circles, there is also narrowing the exercise together for ceremonies Assembly (Noruz Eid), even where sometimes need special approval to the Political Security to establish happy in the halls and pools happy, as well as narrowing the difference Kurdish functional impairments, the Kurds are not allowed to open schools for the education of the mother tongue as the rest of minority languages taught in these schools (Armenian-Syriac).

Discrimination in incumbency and Public Administration
There are generally limited in important administrative positions in the country on the basis of political loyalty rather than efficiency, this exercise widely with all components of the Syrian community, but the issue seemed more aggravated toward the Kurds, and this is evident when comparing the number of staff Kurds in official circles with the population ratio and proportion educated them in the areas of their presence, and there are some sectors that appear without a formal decision is forbidden to the Kurds, including the judiciary-police-army security-not to mention the high positions in the State (Minister-governors (of Syrian citizens.
In addition to the measures and actions chauvinism other chapter together students from secondary schools and institutes, middle - occasionally guilty clothes (danger to the security of the State) as well as the separation and expulsion of the workers and staff together expediency and the arguments made permanent.

Statistics Extraordinary
The government secession issuance Presidential Decree No. 93 Date 08-23-1962, which decided to conduct a special census in the area of the island (Al-Hasakah province), which inventories which at the time about one hundred and fifty thousand citizens of Kurdish Syrian nationality, and the subsequent tragedies and suffering and deprivation civic rights ((and gave their names as foreigners or Mctomin)).
The negative effects of Statistics and the extraordinary suffering Deprived of sexual and Mctomi enrollment:
Prevent him from work and employment in all government departments, including (doctors, engineers, pharmacists)
Denial of the right to own agricultural land under agrarian reform laws like other farmers
Deprived of the ration card so that he could get its supply from the black market and prices high with the flag that other citizens obtained at discounted prices
Deprived of their duty in the service of science and defending the independence of the homeland and protect
Marriage contracts subject to the approval of the security agencies at the time of the marriage even outside the Sharia courts is a reality inevitably be installed judicial decision must be bound by it
Harmed the country's reputation and prestige among the world public opinion, the most democratic and national unity of the Syrian people and feeding tendencies chauvinism and narrow nationalism
Do not give the establishment a junior secondary school certificate or denied by university study
It prevents travel outside the country and subjected to further problems and troubles during overnight in hotels and movement within the country
Deprived of denying citizenship even as property rights to their homes constructed old and registered their names and posting Kamlak State

Mohamed Helal and requested proposals on the Kurdish fueled
Muhammad asked Helal responsible for the security apparatus in Al-Hasakah political lieutenant, a 1962. Study on the island province of "political, social and national" calls "to the need to uproot the Kurdish threat, speeding uprooted according roots, suggesting a plan to contain the Court what the danger, before the rise and eat", and added elsewhere in the study called for "disperse and some of them beaten, The strike, closing the door of Labor and Employment them, and denied their Ttaghilhem universities and government institutes, as a military zone, and do change, and the withdrawal of citizenship of its population and the Kurds on their land and inciting Arabs against them, housed them, and prevent both speak Arabic to exercise their right to vote and nomination. occupy important positions after this brochure and then became governor and then deputy minister of the Prime Minister's then ambassador to Syria.

Arab Belt (racial)
Al-Hasakah province that is one of the most important Syrian governorates and the vast wealth and inner being the primary source of cotton, wheat and barley ... in Syria, which maintained sole concern fanatic Arab nationalists because of the majority Kurdish, as well as to spread the natural demographic of Kurdistan in Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan. It is exceptional and is therefore suspect deal with them according to regulations and laws very special and exceptional and extremely unfair.
An area of 23333.59 km 2 maintain any form 12.6% of the area of Syria 185180 km 2, with a population of 1245000 people, representing 7.18% of the population of Syria and adults 1939600 people according to official records do not include Deprived of nationality, who are more than a quarter million people all Kurdish exclusively. Population density in the province is 48 inhabitants / km.
According to statistics, in 1936, under the French occupation of the area was distributed population in the province as follows: Even 89 thousand, 43 thousand Arabs, 36 thousand Christians, Jews 2001.
In the twenty-fourth of the month of June 1974 committed the most heinous crime against history and geography Al-Hasakah province and strip it of credibility natural, where she met with the national leadership of the Arab Baath Socialist Party in Damascus headed by the country Assistant Secretary of the Party-Chairman of the Committee for immersion / settlers.
Issued its fateful figure of 521 2461974 history containing issuing orders to members of the national leadership recruited for the implementation of the belt to the ground and the Commission for Reception, the Secretary and members of the party branch in the province and to the Governor of Al-Hasakah and police chief and the security agencies and all relevant departments, to begin the implementation of the Arab belt according to the plans drawn and delegate officials receive farmland The crops, and distributed to settlers (drawn)
Assigned country Assistant Secretary of the Party-Chairman of the Committee on Inundation-governor Ismail Al-Hasakah Aqlah issuing executive decisions required, and thus the plan fully implemented and Arabs settlers began to arrive Kurdish areas under the name unsung.
And established the belt of Arab settlement complexes, a total of forty-one settlement along the Syrian border in the Turkish province of the island length / 275 / km and presentation between / 10 and April 15 km behalf of state farms, where they were extracting large tracts of fertile agricultural land from owners together and delivered the Arab settlers who brought them from the provinces (Aleppo and tenderness) with the aim of encircling Arab groupings of the Kurdish people and spare human and geographical spread with Turkey and Kurdistan, which is a unit with geographical and human, as well as the establishment of an Arab settlement insulation in other areas in order to disrupt demographic structure in those areas.
Another project (a racist and chauvinist certainly) is being implemented in order to obliterate the Kurdish presence, a project Arabize the names of cities, villages and towns and even the Kurdish mountains, and archaeological sites. Ironically, together who extracted lands granted to submerge now suffering from abject poverty, but many of them are forced to work as paid in the land was before the advent of these settlers.